Cherry Blossom Time Again

Cherry blossom season crept up on me this year, as on the softest of silent pink petal feet. The famous DC trees had been in glorious bloom for a while, like those just a few miles away.  But in our neighborhood, which must lie in a cold spot, winter persisted.  And persisted.  Until suddenly, about two weeks ago, spring burst forth.  Thanks to relatively cool temperatures, the formerly bare brown branches of our local trees are still mostly obscured by clouds of fluffy pink.  On this chilly, blustery day, a spring snow of rose colored petals swirls in the air.  The wind continues to gust.  Our cherry  blossoms will soon become pink ground cover, and spring’s next act will take center stage.  

For previous cherry blossom posts, see Frost in the Cherry Orchard, from April 26, 2018, and Cherry Blossom Time in DC, from April 16, 2015.