Category Archives: Holiday

Uncle Edwin’s Silver Stocking

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Our family places particular value on the well-seasoned, the tried and true, so it’s not surprising that some of our favorite Christmas ornaments are those that have been with us the longest.  The one that most resonates for Mama is this little cardboard foil-covered stocking.  It’s likely the oldest of all our decorations.  She remembers when her brother Edwin, six years her elder, and only ten or eleven at the time, rode his bike to town and bought it.  All the family decorations were so old, he said; it was time for a few new ones.  The year may have been 1939 or 40.  The foil on the stocking, the shiny gold beads on the chain, and the metal on the attached shiny red ball suggest it dates prior to 1943.  By that year, the war effort had commandeered nearly all metal for military needs. (Mama added the silver and gold star much later, to replace a lost and long forgotten adornment.)

Christmas ornaments, of course, are much more than baubles.  Those we most cherish are talismans that conjure our younger, happier, better selves, perhaps in homeplaces now transformed beyond recognition. They speak to us of beloved family and friends as we’d like them to be. 

So it is that the little silver stocking brings back Edwin as a boy.  At the time, he was my mother’s favorite person in the world.  Wise and witty, with an appreciation for the absurd and the odd, he could inject fun into any situation.  Mama and Edwin saw the world through the same eyes, and she adored him.  He made everything better.  That’s the Edwin Mama remembers with such joy, the Edwin she sees when she hangs his foil-covered stocking on the tree. 

Vintage Pinecone Elves on Skis

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The first of several much-loved Christmas decorations that pop into my mind are these three vintage elves on skis.  Among my parents’ first holiday trinkets, they’ve been a part of my Christmas as long as I can remember.  Mama recalls buying them in the very early 60s during a rare, day-after-Thanksgiving shopping trip to the St. Matthews Mall near Louisville. 

Produced in Japan in the 1950s, the elves have plastic heads with hand-painted, apple-cheeked faces and pointed, flocked-paper hats.  Bodies are pinecones.  In their pipe cleaner arms each holds a musical instrument:  maracas, a paper accordion, or cymbals. Cardboard glitter-coated skis are glued to each pinecone, the elves have no feet.  Apparently they don’t need feet; they’ve managed quite well without them for the past sixty years.  It was comforting to see this merry elf trio displayed prominently on my parents’ tree again this year. 

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Childhood Treasures on the Christmas Tree

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Decorating the Christmas tree in my childhood home was a much-anticipated event.  We usually picked out a tall Frazier fir, typically well shaped and on the thinner side.  An exception was the bushy long-needled pine we somehow brought home during my Kindergarten year, which I wrote about in 2013.  (See Oh. . . Eww. . . Christmas Tree!) It was sparsely and evidently indifferently decorated.  Why we chose such a tree remains a mystery; that’s a memory my parents and I have blocked.  I suspect we’d rather not think about it, or other memories it stirs up.  Anyway, my recollections of Christmas in Atlanta include a beautiful tree, pleasingly decorated.  It made our living room especially cozy during December.

We acquired more ornaments each year, but we rarely retired any, unless they were broken and hopelessly beyond repair.  We didn’t do themes of color or topic:  no all-pink tree, no Disney tree, certainly no Star Wars tree.  The collection accrued gradually.  Unpacking the same ornaments year after year, then re-packing them in January, they became imprinted on my memory.  Each December I looked forward to unwrapping my favorite ones and finding spots for them on the tree.  I’ve written about the many homemade ornaments my mother and I produced every year.  We turned out multitudes of candy cane horses, tiny Raggedy Anns and Andys, mice in Santa suits, clothespin toy soldierspasta angels, etc.  My home and that of my parents are well-stocked with such items.  But there were other ornaments, some homemade, some store-bought, that were one-of-a-kind.  These remain at my parents’ house. 

Since our daughter turned two, it’s been our tradition to spend Christmas here at our home in Virginia.  My parents joined us, until two years ago, when they gave up driving long distances.  They’d rather not fly, so they prefer to stay in Atlanta.  This year Mama told me she didn’t really feel like putting up the tree.  Daddy, especially, would really miss it, but he felt even less up to the task.  It sounded like my cue to fly down for a pre-Christmas visit.  When I realized I could also miss my daughter’s final week of classes before winter break (and all the stress and drama that threatened to entail), it made the decision that much easier.   

So a week ago, I was back in my childhood home, unpacking the many boxes of Christmas decorations my mother had stored so carefully in the attic last winter.  And one by one, I unwrapped all those cherished baubles.  It had been six years since I’d seen them, when we had veered from the usual plan and spent the holiday in Atlanta.  Some ornaments looked nearly as good as new, others showed their very advanced age.  All were as familiar as the faces of dear old friends. 

I’ll share them in a few posts to follow.  They may prompt recollections of treasures from your childhood tree. 

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Acknowledging that it’s December. . .


Once again, it’s December.  Too soon, as always.  Although the pre-Christmas busy-ness has been no more extreme than usual, the details have kept my mind too crowded to devote time to writing.  Or to much thought, in general, for that matter.  It’s hard not to let the post-Thanksgiving lead-up to December 25 become an endurance game of checking off never-ending lists.  Lights replaced on the playroom tree?  Yes. Whew. Cross that out.  One small victory.  On to the next task, with many more to follow. 

Last year I wrote about the fine line between reveling in the spirit of Christmas and veering off the deep end into holiday excess.  (See here.)  It’s an issue I guess I’ll grapple with until I’m physically unable to haul out the decorations.  But that might not stop me.  Will I be directing my daughter, or some kindly, younger neighbor?  I hope not.  But then again, no one else could do it to please me. 

Anyway, the wreaths are up on our house and on the old maple stump out front by the road.  The stump survived another year. This summer it played host to a thicket of tall green foliage. 

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As long as any part of the decaying tree remains, we’ll decorate it in December.  For me, it’s a reminder of the true spirit of Christmas: because a baby was born many years ago in Bethlehem, out of death comes new life.  That is the best antidote to holiday excess I can imagine. 

For my first post on this subject, see Deck the Tree Stump, posted almost exactly two years ago.      

Veterans’ Day 2015

To all those serving our country now and in the past, at home and far away, during peacetime and war, we thank you.  As for those of us who haven’t walked in your boots, may we never take your bravery, your selflessness and your sacrifice for granted.  Let’s honor our veterans this day and every day.   




Uncle Bill off to war


Return of the Skeleton Crew


It’s that time of year again.  As Halloween nears, our friend Slim, who engages in quiet meditation in the spare bedroom eleven months out of the year, comes out to play.  His loyal pooches Fluffy and Champ are by his side and ready to frolic. 


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With Slim out and about, our family is blessed with another errand runner.  And designated driver.  We need more Halloween candy, Slim insists, so he’s off to the store.  Kiko, ever the happy passenger, prepares to ride along.   

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Kiko reminds Champ to buckle up.

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 Be a good boy, Kiko, for Uncle Slim! 

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Here’s what Slim says:  It’s the night before Halloween.  Be ready for fun!

For last year’s photos of the Skeleton Crew, see here. 

Happy 4th!

It’s a cloudy, drizzly July 4th here in Northern Virginia, making brightly hued photos of waving flags impossible.  Here, then, are a few images taken under blue skies from past Cape Cod vacations. 

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On this day, and all days, come rain or shine, may we salute and value our common ties as Americans. 

May we work toward liberty and justice for all!