Return of the Skeleton Crew, 2023

Our dear family friend Slim awakened earlier this month, as is his habit, from his annual semi-hibernation. An ardent nature lover, he was delighted to greet the brilliant colors and balmy breezes of this alluring October. He spent his first few days wandering the garden and grounds, enjoying the unique botanical mix of summer and fall that has defined these recent days.

He and his pack of loyal pups lazed by the fountain on pleasantly mild afternoons, glorying in pumpkins, bumpy gourds, bright impatiens and fall foliage.

While stretched out on the sun-warmed flagstones, he and little Rocky appreciated the self-seeded petunia patch and squirrel-planted sunflowers.

He congratulated my husband on his near-complete triumph over the stiltgrass in the lawn of the back courtyard.

He marveled at this fall’s striking abundance of black walnuts and acorns. While walking across our yard toward our neighbor’s house, Slim remarked that he was reminded of the ball pit at Chucky Cheese.

After soaking up such a bounty of October sunshine, he was grateful for the shade of the screened porch.

Slim accompanied me to our church’s Trunk or Treat, as he has for the past several years. Never at a loss for the encouraging word, he bantered wittily with every small superhero and Barbie who came along for candy.

Slim brushed away a tear as he spoke of expecting his good buddy Kiko to emerge from a playroom nap in his leisurely, sedate manner. “I sure do miss the old boy!,” he declared. “He wasn’t a big talker, but he had a quiet integrity that I so admired.”

As usual, Slim, with his discerning eye for character, hit the nail on the head.


I’ve been writing about our Skeleton Crew since 2014. For some earlier posts, see here, here, and here.

2 thoughts on “Return of the Skeleton Crew, 2023”

    1. Thank you, Leslie! Slim brings cheer wherever he goes. Everyone needs such a friend. Glad to share him with you!

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