Escape to the Country, in Suburbia

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One of the most appealing features of our little corner of Northern Virginia is the beauty of its landscape.  It’s pleasantly hilly, interestingly rolling, never aggressively steep.  Woodlands are interspersed with open fields, vestigial traces of the many farms that dotted the area in the last century.  We consider ourselves fortunate to live in one of the last few surviving farmhouses.  On their 200 acres, the original owners planted wheat and raised chickens.  They had a small apple orchard and a sizable flower garden.

On the other side of the winding county road, where big fields sweep down to small lakes, some families still keep horses.  There are charming little stables, grassy paddocks and old vine-covered wooden fences.  When Kiko and I walk there, it’s hard to believe we’re in suburbia, a place I never expected to live.  We cross the road, follow a short path through the woods, and we’re suddenly somewhere more remote.  It’s almost like a quick trip through time and space to the countryside of my childhood at my grandparents’ farm in Kentucky.  Early on a spring morning, it’s an especially satisfying escape.

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Evading the Terrible Thunder Monster

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One morning last week, when the sky was still dark, we were awakened by a sound we hadn’t heard in several months: loud, rumbling thunder.  Kiko had been asleep on the floor between my bed and his.  As I expected, he was sitting up, looking around uneasily.  I could read his little doggie mind:  Oh nooooo!  Is that what I think it is?  The terrible monster is back!  It didn’t die!  Where is it?  Will I see it this time?

Kiko has only one real fear.  In the presence of snarling, threatening, enormous dogs, he holds his head up, cool and composed.  He has never met a person who frightened him, although he barks with some alarm at those who insist on wearing large, unflattering shoes with shorts.  As a puppy, he was afraid of garbage trucks and wheeled trash bins, but now they do not phase him.  Thunder, however, is another story.

That morning, he quickly vanished from my room. When he returned a while later and jumped up in bed with me, his fur was wet in spots. Strange, I thought.

At the slightest suggestion of thunder, Kiko begins a frantic, unsatisfying routine.  First he searches for visible signs of the approaching menace.  He stares intently at the windows and darts from door to door.  He recognizes flashes of light as extremely bad omens, likewise the appearance and sound of rain.  Once his worst fears are confirmed, he seeks a better place.  Unfortunately, there is no better place.  He attempts to maneuver himself into confined spaces:  closets, under desks, behind arm chairs, even behind the toilet or in the angle of the open refrigerator door.  Once, when we had removed the kitchen trash bin from its cabinet, he sought refuge there.  But no place is ever safe enough.  He is soon on to the next spot.

If all this fails to console, and it always fails, his last resort is physical closeness with one of the pack.  As I’ve mentioned before, if all is well, Kiko doesn’t need to be in your lap, or in your face (he’s not a kisser, unless you’ve just eaten cheese).  While very social when we’re out walking, at home he prefers solitude and the freedom to enjoy a variety of spots for unencumbered relaxation and sleep.  He’d rather you not disturb his rest by joining him on the sofa.  He may begin the night downstairs in the playroom.  Toward morning, I may find him sleeping in his bed in the corner of my room.  Occasionally he stretches out on the foot of my bed, but he never remains there long.

Only thunder prompts him to get close, and then he can’t get close enough.  Usually he is too nervous to sit or lie down. If he catches you off guard, he may try to stand on you, perhaps on your chest or neck.  This is extremely unpleasant for everyone involved.  Or he tries to sit on your pillow, which I will not allow.  Wrapping him in a towel or the bedspread offers some solace.  I considered buying a Thundershirt, but those I’ve seen appear to be hot and heavy.  He’s already panting excessively; I could imagine a thick, binding coat leading to spontaneous combustion.

As I readied breakfast  for our daughter that day, Kiko stuck by me like glue,  huddling in the space between my legs and the kitchen cabinets.  When I opened the dishwasher, he considered getting in it.  The thunder continued, so I turned to the only remedy that verges on effective:  Xanax.  Prescribed by the vet, it takes the edge off, so he is less distraught.  It allows him to cease roaming, lie down and minimize the panting and shaking.

When H appeared for breakfast, I asked if he knew why Kiko’s fur had been wet.  He did.  When Kiko had left me, H had been in the shower. Frenzied desperation seems to endow our dog with a near-magical power to open any door.  Suddenly, there he was, in the shower with H, trying to dodge the drops.  This was a first, even for our weird little dog.  He hates getting wet nearly as much as he hates thunder. When he realized  there was no escaping the water, he began pawing at the shower door.  Once released, he dashed upstairs to find me.

Nothing else had worked.  He had abandoned all dignity and was prepared to snuggle.  I had been expecting him, so he he missed the chance to stand on my throat.

Did I just see a flash? Did I hear thunder? Here it goes again!



Prayers for Boston, Prayers for our Country

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It’s happened again.  Another harrowing national tragedy.   This time in Boston, during that city’s much-beloved marathon, on Massachusetts’ annual Patriot’s Day, a day of holiday and celebration.

More innocent lives were lost yesterday, April 15.  More bodies were maimed, more souls damaged, more children left without a parent, more parents’ lives ravaged by the loss of a child.  Another beautiful day in April, forever marked by catastrophe and sadness.  Today is the six-year anniversary of the Virginia Tech shooting.  This Friday, 18 years will have passed since the Oklahoma City bombing.  As in the 1996 bombing at the Atlanta Olympics, a jubilant time in the life of a city has been twisted into ugliness, a blood-red-letter day of mourning.  As in December’s horrific mass shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, children are among the victims.  As on all these days and on September 11, those of us still standing are shakier, less steady.

Perhaps somewhat guiltily, we are relieved that it wasn’t our time.  Not yet, at least.  But we know it could easily have been us.  It could happen to any of us.  And increasingly often, it does.  Our family was concerned, in particular, about friends from our church.  The daughter was running the marathon, and her parents were there to cheer her on.  Luckily, she is young, strong and very fast.  We learned through Facebook that the family was unhurt physically.

Now, as a nation, we will pause.  We will mourn.  Many of us will pray.  We may find ourselves at a loss for how to proceed.  But then, as we always do after such calamities, we will rally.  We will come together in love and support of those who died, of those runners now missing limbs, of those who have lost loved ones, of those who will assist friends and family as they face years of surgery and difficult recovery.  We will stand up and say that we refuse to get used to this.  We refuse to accept such violence as the natural order of things.  And through our shared strength and determination, we will show that no matter what, the power of goodness will win out over evil.  Immediate proof of this is demonstrated by the many people who stepped in, selflessly and heroically, to do everything they could to help injured strangers.

My prayers will continue to go out for all those impacted by this tragedy, and for all Bostonians, who, I would imagine, take personally this despicable strike against their hometown.

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European Vacation, ’75: Part III: A Near-Adventure at the Lycée Jacques-Cartier

Our group was a few minutes late in returning to the bus after touring Mont Saint Michel.  The Chickamaugans,  hopping mad because of the delay, demanded an apology.  I can’t remember if we apologized or not.  If we did, I’m sure we managed to ooze contempt and condescension.  Our traveling companions had clearly missed the magic of Mont Saint-Michel.   That night we were to stay in nearby Saint-Malo in a French boarding school, empty over the Easter holidays.  The trip to the Lycée Jacques Cartier didn’t take long.  The school, in a pleasant wooded setting, consisted of long, low gray stone modernist buildings.  It appeared to be very new at the time.  We immediately went to dinner.  In a big room adjacent to the dining hall were several huge round basins for washing hands.  The water, controlled by foot levers, came out from the center in a smooth round sheet, as in some fountains.  Bars of soap on metal rods extended out over the basin.  Seven or eight people could wash their hands at once.  It was the highest-tech lavatory we had ever seen.  Dinner was unremarkable.  After dinner we headed up to the dormitories.  The girls all slept in one enormous room.  Partitions that approached but did not reach the ceiling separated the space into smaller areas, each with six beds.  My friend Jackie, her mother and I found ourselves rooming with three Chickamauga girls, much to our dismay.  The bathrooms were of great interest.  There were eight shower stalls and perhaps even more bidets (a word I misspelled biday throughout my journal), but only two toilets.  Very strange, we thought, but consistent, as our hotel room in Paris had had a bidet but no toilet. 

That night, of course, none of us was in the mood for sleep; the camp-like living quarters spoke to the fundamental need for teenagers to indulge in late-night antics.  Our Chickamauga roommates seemed to have forgotten their animosity toward us after the bus incident, and we gained a new appreciation for them.  They entertained the crowd with comically rendered country songs, liberally borrowing from episodes of the TV show Hee-Haw.  My friends and I considered ourselves too cosmopolitan to admit to watching that show, but we had to say that the Chickamaugans could have starred in it.  They had the requisite country twangs, the goofy, expansive personalities, and they really sang well together.

After the North Georgians had concluded their performance, Jackie and I joined Katie and Rebecca in the room they shared with other friends from our school.  We were engaged in some sort of forgotten silliness when one of us happened to look out the window and notice several boys hanging around outside.  We didn’t know them; they were evidently French locals.  This was an unexpected and exciting development.  My memory of what follows is hazy, and my journal, surprisingly, doesn’t record the details.  My guess is that windows were opened, and intercultural flirting began. The boys felt sufficiently encouraged that they tried to scale the building and climb in the windows.  Seems like I remember one of them standing on a portion of the lower roof.  When it looked like they were really planning to storm the barricades, our group tried to backtrack.  We didn’t really plan to invite them in.  How do you say Never mind in French?  I assume we locked the windows and hissed Arretez!  Allez-vous!  Va t’en!  The commotion awakened one of our chaperones.  She addressed the boys with severe words, the gist of which was unmistakable no matter the language.  After they had retreated and disappeared, she treated us to similarly severe words and herded us back to our little beds. 

Although Jackie and I returned to our room, we still had no intention of sleeping.  We sneaked off quietly to the expansive bathrooms, hoping for further distraction.  To our delight, we found a couple of forgotten bras hanging on hooks outside the shower stalls.  They were for full-figured girls, unlike us, and made for ideal comic props.  Whatever we did with those bras (and I can’t remember), it was the height of middle-school hilarity.  It must have been near 3 AM when we returned to our cubicle.  I had never been to sleep-away summer camp, and I never would go, but that night, I got an exhilarating taste of it.

It was Jackie’s birthday yesterday.  After all these years, when we get together, we still tend to stay up late, talking and laughing.  The difference is that today, we catch up on the current events of our lives while also reveling in so much shared history.  It’s one of the nicer things about growing older.  It makes the present moment all the sweeter. 

Spring Color and Warmth, Long Time Coming

Cherry tree

It was a cold March here in Northern Virginia, but spring began with real promise.  On that first day of the season, it seemed as though warmth, bright color and new life were truly on their way.  Then, somehow, the pause button was pushed.  Or maybe it was the reverse switch, because throughout the rest of the month, we got the weather we should have had in February.  We got the snow that the kids had hoped for all winter.  Mornings were frosty, with icy winds and various threats of frozen precipitation.  Afternoons were only somewhat less bitter, and nights were consistently cold. Buds and blooms put themselves on hold, understandably unwilling to emerge in the inhospitable climate.  I needed every bit of my winter dog-walking gear, from the woolen hiking socks to the mittens and fuzzy scarf.

When the first warm weather arrived last Friday, it caught me completely off guard.  I had almost given up hope that spring would ever again feel like spring.  The morning felt expectedly chilly, but by the time Kiko and I returned from our walk, he was panting vigorously and I was carrying a bundle of outer wear.  That afternoon was absolutely perfect weather for April.  Saturday was warmer still.  On Sunday, even I was digging around in my closet for shorts and T-shirts. Yesterday the temperature reached 80 degrees.  Kiko, who had spent the entire weekend sleeping in the sun on the patio, took refuge in the shade of the porch.  He had the exhausted, overheated grimace he wears during most of August.   Today the expected high is 82.  On Wednesday, it might reach 90.

It’s a tiresome and ungrateful practice to complain about the weather, especially when there are those not so far away who continue to suffer in the wake of Hurricane Sandy, not to mention other natural disasters world-wide.  Still, couldn’t we have had another Pause on Saturday, when the weather was pleasant and actually spring-like?  Instead we got Fast-Forwarded.  But the neighborhood sure looks beautiful.


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I love it when the reddish buds of the maple trees
create the look of a rose-colored wash.

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A spring-flowering magnolia, in exuberant bloom.

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These  hearty purple vinca flowers appeared in late February.
At last they look comfortable, as they bask in the sun.

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This small tree flourishes despite its proximity to the path of my daughter’s rope swing.  Its buds open to reveal raggedy  flowers with a lemony fragrance.
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A few daffodils are finally blooming in our yard.

European Vacation, ’75: Part II: Mont-Saint-Michel


On the bus to Normandy, once again my friends and I battled the urge to close our eyes in sleep. Mrs. Correll resumed her patrol duty, walking the aisle, tapping shoulders, urgently entreating us: Wake up! Dont’ miss the beautiful French countryside! As soon as I noticed the loveliness of the landscape we were passing through, I had no more trouble fighting drowsiness. This was the idyllic countryside of fairy tales: rolling hills, pastures and fields neatly enclosed by fences and hedgerows, small cottages, many with thatched roofs and ivy-covered stone walls, the occasional grand manor house. The chic Parisians had disappeared, replaced by timeless country folk engaged in timeless pastoral activities, like the farmer above, carrying a hay bale on his back. We saw French sheep, horses, cows and dogs. They looked somehow more charming and worldly-wise than their Georgia or Kentucky counterparts. It was cold outside, but the  sun was bright and the land was poised for the greening of spring.

The drive took nearly four hours. We shared the bus with a larger group of high school students from the north Georgia town of Chickamauga. The French countryside evidently held little charm for them. Restless and bored, they whiled away the time by pining for the far-away, all-American life. They bemoaned the typically much-missed delights: juicy hamburgers, thick steaks, “real” toilet paper, cold Cokes, water with ice. Mrs. Correll had made it clear to us well before the trip that if we uttered such clichés we would risk her wrath. She would not hear us talking like ugly Americans. We were a sophisticated group, she stressed. We knew we weren’t especially sophisticated, but we didn’t want to disappoint the teacher we revered. Seeing the Chickamaugans behaving boorishly inspired us to try to act cultured and urbane. We  considered them to be country bumpkins.  I’m sure they thought of us as annoying little city twits.

Mont Saint-Michel, seen from our bus window.

 My first glimpse of Mont St. Michel was magical.  I was not alone; the vision was sufficient to switch the Chickamaugans’ attention away from the pleasures of home.  I’ve returned to Normandy twice over the years, and each time, the initial sighting of that towering castle-church on the rock, rising out of an immensity of flat sand, retains its unique power.

According to medieval texts that recount the beginnings of Mont Saint-Michel, in the eighth century, the archangel Saint Michael appeared in a dream to Aubert, Bishop of nearby Avranches.  He commanded Aubert to build him a church upon the rock.  When difficulties arose, as one might expect with such a tricky architectural undertaking, the archangel was said to have worked miracles that allowed building to continue.  Aubert’s church was consecrated in 708, and word spread of the majestically situated church divinely ordained by an angel.

By the twelfth century, Mont Saint-Michel had become one of Europe’s premiere pilgrimage destinations.  In an age that valued visible, tangible relics of a saint’s earthly life, an angel might seem an unlikely candidate to become a popular pilgrimage saint.  Saint Michael, a heavenly creature who never dwelt on earth, could offer no bones, blood, hair or instrument of torture to be venerated.  But Aubert and those who succeeded him in tending the shrine were creative and enterprising; if the people wanted relics, they would have relics.

Some pilgrims may have come for the relics.  Probably more came to soak up the romance of the place itself.  Its exceptional location and the drama inherent in the site offers its own enchantment. Thrill-seekers made the pilgrimage because it entailed risk and adventure.  Getting to the church on the rock meant navigating the bay’s capriciously shifting sands and the rushing tides that transformed the mount into an island twice daily.  There was also the danger of losing one’s way when the thick fog settled in.

The church and the buildings of its surrounding village seem to grow from the rock.

A series of fires required sucessive rebuildings. With each disaster, reputed miracles were interpreted as proof of Saint Michael’s continuing support.  He had not abandoned the site.  On the contrary, he required a bigger, taller church.  The Benedictine Abbey that stands today was begun in 1023.  While portions of this Romanesque building remain, most of the church dates from the Gothic period.  The archangel was traditionally worshipped in high and lonely spots, and the church that evolved over the centuries might be seen as a sort of architectural portrait of Saint Michael. The building’s massive heaviness and its apparent unity with the rock reflect the military saint’s enduring strength, while its soaring height stretches toward his heavenly domain. On stormy nights, as lightning struck, wind howled and thunder rumbled, the medieval faithful claimed to witness the archangel’s  battle with Satan at the top of the mount.

That chilly April day in 1975, our group hadn’t had to brave the elements to reach Mont Saint-Michel.  We weren’t exhausted from months of walking in all weathers and through difficult terrains.  But we were tired of sitting, and delighted to get off the bus.  As we hurried along the causeway, a few of us may have been nearly as excited as some pilgrims before us.  The view of the mount retained its drama even at close range.  Winding our way up the narrow, cobblestoned street, the adventure continued.  The story-book town, with its tightly packed medieval buildings, the upper levels jutting out above those below, was quaint yet scruffily authentic, not a plastic Disneyesque quaint. Inside the church, the shadowy crypts, cut into the depths of the rock, were austere and fortress-like, making the soaring nave, with its pointed Norman arches and tall clerestory windows, appear all the more gloriously luminous.

Dusk was approaching as we climbed to the top of the ramparts to look out over the vast expanse of sand and sea below.  The wind was picking up.  There was no lightning, but the atmosphere felt charged.  That night, we did not see Saint Michael engaged in a furious war with the devil, but the possibility didn’t seem at all far-fetched.  What a spectacular sequel to our Super-8 movie Dark Secrets we could have shot at Mont Saint-Michel!


This all-encompassing view of Mont Saint Michel was taken by a neighbor in 1937.



Egg-Decorating, Continued


Because we fared well with our first batch of decorated eggs this season, my daughter and I pushed on. We experimented with natural dyes, without success. Boiled red cabbage suffuses the kitchen with a pungent smell and yields a vibrant reddish-blue color in the pan.  Yet eggs left in this liquid for an extended period emerge an innocuous, industrial shade of gray-white. The same is true for beet juice. This might not be the case if we had boiled the eggs slowly with the vegetables, as we have done, with good results, to make our reddish-brown onion skin eggs (See post from April 2012). Surprisingly, only frozen blueberries mixed with water imparted a substantial but subtle color (a dull gray-blue, seen on the egg in the top center, above).

D and I soon turned to the stand-by, store-bought egg-coloring kit. We wanted to try some easy techniques that did not involve paint or markers.  Outside in the biting March wind, we foraged for interesting bits of foliage and flowers. We arranged a sprig or a leaf on each egg, wrapped the egg tightly in cheesecloth, tied the ends with yarn and immersed the egg in the dye. We had used the cheesecloth technique before when decorating some of our onion skin eggs. (Pieces of old nylon stocking, recommended by some, did not work for us; they didn’t create a secure enough hold.) This cheesecloth process produces messily impressionistic images, as on the eggs above, instead of clear-cut stencil designs, which suits us fine.


My daughter created this interesting design with nandina leaves,
wrapped very tightly to show the weave of the cheesecloth.


We made bolder patterns by simply wrapping rubber bands
tightly around the eggs before dyeing them.


For this design we used a sprig of pine needles bound with a rubber band.  It reminds me of waving seagrass in front of a beach fence.


We made polka-dotted eggs by applying stickers before dyeing.


We used a variety of stickers for the eggs above.  Our failure to remove the stickers immediately after dyeing made for the only stress of the evening.  We spent considerable time trying,
with incomplete success, to scrape off the shredded stickers and the gooey residue.


We used tape to create simple rectilinear designs.  It peels off far more easily than stickers.

Happy Easter-Egging!


Good Friday: It Is Finished. Let Life Begin.

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Charles Wesley eloquently summed up the message of Good Friday in the words of the following hymn, which he composed in 1762.
Its title comes from the last words of Christ from the cross,
as told in John 19:30: It is finished.

‘Tis Finished! The Messiah Dies

Tis finished! the Messiah dies, cut off for sins, but not his own.
Accomplished is the sacrifice, the great redeeming work is done.

The veil is rent; in Christ alone the living way to heaven is seen;
The middle wall is broken down, and all the world may enter in.

‘Tis finished!  All my guilt and pain, I want no sacrifice beside;
for me the Lamb is slain, ’tis finished! I am justified.

The reign of sin and death is o’er, and all may live from sin set free;
Satan hath lost his mortal power, ’tis swallowed up in victory.

Painted Eggs

This year, my daughter and I continued our Easter-week egg-decorating tradition, but we kept the techniques simple and our approach low-key. We dyed these eggs using the tablets from a basic egg-coloring kit and decorated them using acrylic paints or markers.  I am happy to report that no family members were harmed, either emotionally or physically, during the decorating of these eggs, which is more than I can say for some years. 







For other approaches to egg-decorating (and the upheaval they have provoked), see several posts from April 2012. 

A blog about motherhood, marriage and life: the joys and frustrations, beauty and absurdity, blessings and pain. It's about looking back, looking ahead, and walking the dog.