Could it be. . .Sunshine?

Rumors of sunshine today in the Northern Virginia rainforest prompted me to take a closer look.  Could they be true?  By all official weather reports, it’s been raining here forever.  Could it have actually stopped, however briefly? 





Hallelujah!  Nothing wet is falling from the sky.  The gray world has color again.  Although much-delayed, our roses are in beautiful bloom.      011

Kiko managed to locate a sunny, less-sodden patch of grass for his morning squirrel and fox watch.  I think I’d better follow his lead and get out there. 

Thunderstorms are expected this afternoon. 

Pursuing Petite Princess: The Royal Grand Piano (Time Travel Through Toys)


With the old box of doll furniture rediscovered and my interest reignited, I went online.  I’m not sure what I thought I’d find.  I didn’t expect to discover that just about every piece of the collection was available from various sellers on ebay.  It amazed me.  I’d never met anyone who recalled the furniture from childhood.  I thought it was obscure stuff.  But as the internet repeatedly reminds us, any claims we might make to being unique are vastly overblown. 

So, wow.  There it all was.  Most were pieces I already had.  I found it reassuring to see traces of age on many items for sale, similar to those on my furniture.  The gold and white curved Salon Sofas were consistently missing a strip of fabric on each arm, just as mine did.  Some pieces reminded me of odds and ends I’d lost or broken.  There were the tiny horsehead bookends, the pink and white “bird” lamp reassembled, and the “oil” landscape paintings, rather in the style of Fragonard.  Years ago I glued an image from a Christmas card over my sole remaining painting. 

There were only a few items that I didn’t own, for one reason or another.  I remember not liking the look of the Fantasy Telephone set.  The big red rose embossed on the phone box struck me as an uncharacteristically heavy-handed touch.  The Salon Drum chair, upholstered in a choice of lamé colors, was not appealing.  But the Rolling Tea Cart, in brass–that was charming.  True to the Petite Princess lifestyle, it held a wine bottle and goblets.  Not a single tea pot or tea cup for this tea cart.  The short brass candelabra “for table or mantle use” could be a nice addition.  I own only the tall Fantasia Candelabra.  

But among the offerings, one stood out:  the Royal Grand Piano, a tiny assemblage of fabulousness.  I don’t know why the piano wasn’t in my collection.  Was it not available at Allen’s 5 & Dime?  Was it too expensive?  It’s white, of course, with gold accents.  The undulating sides and back, as well as the underside of the lid, are decorated with gold-framed panels.  Again evoking the frothy style of Fragonard, they show 18th-century aristocratic types frolicking in lush landscapes.  There are 88 three-dimensional keys and three foot pedals.  The delicate white bench is upholstered in red velvet.  Sheet music and a metronome are included. 

As I browsed Petite Princess furniture on ebay, it seemed to me that the images on the small white packages, more so than the items they contain, summoned the acuteness of childhood longing.  The years fell away and I was a six year old in Allen’s, transfixed before the display.  Holding the box that encased, say, the Treasure Trove Cabinet, examining the photo, comparing it to the piece on display.  Imagining the absolute, if temporary happiness that would accompany the opening of the box, the unwrapping of the tissue paper.  Suddenly I knew how my daughter felt, at the same age, as we stood in a toy aisle at Target, her desire for something or other, the Polly Pocket limo or a certain Fairytopia Barbie, blazing fiercely in her big blue eyes.  Don’t you have enough Polly Pockets, enough Barbies, I’d ask, wearily?  Do you really need more stuff for me to move around, I’d think?  I’d judged her too harshly, with the gaze of jaded, self-righteous adult hypocrisy. 


With some alarm it hit me that my interest in “Petite Princess” had morphed from one of nostalgic sentiment to a real yearning to possess.  I didn’t simply want that piano.  I needed that piano.  It spoke to me, repeatedly.  One ebay seller claimed to offer a large cache of virtually untouched “Petite Princess” furniture.  The boxes were unmarked by use or wear, the items within never roughly handled by small clumsy fingers and still wrapped with the original tissue paper.   The piano was among these treasures.  That did it.  Because it was the opening of the package, not the actual ownership of the item, that so pulled at me.  I wanted, no, I needed, to experience that childhood thrill again. 

That piano was my first-ever ebay purchase.  I remember worrying that I’d be outbid at the last second; my husband coached me on bidding techniques.  But I was successful.  I think it cost me $16. 

When the package arrived in the mail, my daughter and I eagerly opened it together.  Her excitement fed into mine, and the unwrapping, the unveiling, was indeed amazing.  I really did feel like a first-grader, her peer.  The box containing the piano was pristine.  So white.  Not yellowed with age.  There was that familiar tissue paper, clean, crisp, unwrinkled.  The piano itself was the delicate treasure I’d expected.  The paintings were so fresh and bright, the red upholstery of the bench immaculate.  The metronome, the sheet music, all there, all perfect.  My daughter’s admiration was real and exuberant; she wasn’t simply performing to humor me. 



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An added bonus was that included in the lot with the piano was another box containing the Occasional Table set and all its accessories.  I already owned the table, but the clear plastic ashtray and cigarette had disappeared decades ago.  Like the piano, this set arrived in mint condition in a box that looked brand new, not forty plus years old.  My daughter by my side, I saw the table, the brass Buddha, the lighter, ashtray and its cigarette (still encased in a plastic envelope), as though for the first time.


Be forewarned, then:  totems for time travel may pop up unexpectedly in an old toy box.  For a truly extraordinary trip, take along a favorite child, and enjoy the ride.

Little Toys, Heavy with Memory: Petite Princess Fantasy Furniture

If I felt an overwhelming need to put my hands on the vintage crayons I mentioned in my last post, I could order them through Etsy from a collector in Australia.  But it’s enough to see the box again.  I don’t need to touch or to use the crayons.  I felt differently, though, about another childhood toy I rediscovered eleven years ago.

My daughter and I had been rummaging through my parents’ attic, a treasure trove of miscellaneous stuff.  D was six at the time.  Nearly hidden in the shadows, on a shelf atop a stack of early-80s National Lampoons, I found a box I hadn’t seen or thought about in years.  I’d purposely kept it out of D’s reach, to protect its prized contents from chubby, clumsy toddler hands.  The somewhat misleading hand-scrawled label read “Plastic Doll Furniture.”  No big deal, you’d think.  But this was “Petite Princess Fantasy Furniture.” It’s special.  And the older I get, the more special it becomes. 


I first saw the furniture shortly after we moved to Atlanta, when I was five.  It was on display at Allen’s 5 & Dime, a store now long gone, but then across from North DeKalb Mall.  I vaguely recall a glass or plastic-fronted castle-like display showing various rooms of furniture, artfully arranged.  Items available for purchase were stacked in small white cardboard boxes.  This was long before the advent of clear plastic heat-sealed packaging that requires professional cutting tools to open.  Each box bore a photograph of its contents, such as the “Palace Table Set” above.  I remember carefully comparing the photos on each box with the items on display.  I remember most particularly the excitement of choosing a new piece. 



Inside each box was a tiny catalogue with photos of all the furniture and a list of every item in each set. The collection was limited; it easily fit on the twelve pages of the pamphlet.  I would pore over the booklet in anticipation of future trips to Allen’s and upcoming purchases.   

As I’ve learned in recent years, the furniture was manufactured  by the Ideal Toy Company for one year only, in 1964.  Although produced primarily of plastic, the quality is excellent, the detail intricate.  It’s a far cry from the generic sets of mass-produced molded plastic furniture dating from the same period.  The style is pure glitzy 60s: swanky elegance suitable for an updating of the grand old chateau.  Picture Sean Connery-era Bond girls swanning around in palatial digs in Paris and Rome, and you get the idea.  The scale is ¾ inch to a foot, so the furniture is smaller and more delicate than typical wooden doll furniture intended for children. Chairs, sofas and beds are upholstered in satins, brocades and velvets.  Drawers open and close with minuscule brass knobs.  


The décor was very much of its time, down to the last detail. The Princesses at home with this furniture were stylish sophisticates who liked to party.  The marble-topped occasional table set pictured above includes, in addition to a Buddha statue and framed pair of photographs, a brass cigarette lighter, clear plastic ashtray, and even a teeny-tiny cigarette with a glowing red tip. 


The Palace Table set in the earlier photo includes a porcelain decanter, three wine goblets, and a brass leaf-shaped ashtray. 


My wine goblets disappeared years ago, but the decanter and leaf ashtray remain. 

As a child, I relished the thrill of acquiring each piece of Petite Princess furniture.  I appreciated its delicacy and the fineness of detail.  But in all truthfulness, I found it too slick.  It veered toward tacky.  In my early 60s world, home décor was considerably more subdued:  a mix of colonial American reproductions and old family antiques.  All that white, gold and glam–that wasn’t Mama’s taste.  So it wasn’t my taste, either.  Like a woman dressed in a long slinky gown at a baseball game, the furniture looked uncomfortably out of place in my plywood Cape Cod doll house.   


Now, though, looking back through a haze of nostalgia, I see more clearly.  I realize the appropriateness of the name:  Petite Princess Fantasy Furniture.  Its realm is the early 60s as seen through a rosy Hollywood lens:  an airbrushed, carefree, consequence-free world of the wealthy, healthy and eternally young.  Of lunchtime martinis, cigarettes in elegant silver holders, Dean Martin songs.  What once struck me as tacky now heightens the appeal.  Of course the stuff is over the top; that’s the point. 


Decades later, these little pieces of fancy plastic are much more than toys to me.  I’ve turned them into talismans of an imagined era long past.  You’d think they’d be heavier now that they carry the weight of memory. 


Once I rediscovered my Petite Princess furniture, I knew I wanted more of it.  I wanted the anticipation before the purchase. 


I wanted the excitement of opening one of those little boxes again.  

To follow soon:  Pursuing Petite Princess 

Once Upon a Time, A 72-Crayon Drawing Set

As I was writing my last post, Spring’s New Box of Crayons, an image kept popping up in my mind, a blurry picture from years long past.  One of my most memorable gifts as a child was, indeed, a fabulous box of crayons.  I was very little, no more than three, but I can’t forget my first glimpse of it under the tree on Christmas morning.  The package was unusual for a crayon box.  It was long and flat, and it showed two kids drawing.  Those crayons saw constant use.  Even in our family of thrifty savers and recyclers, the box disappeared many years ago.  I’ve often tried to remember its details, wishing I could see it again. 

Today, I did.  Thanks to the web, even the vaguest of childhood memories are literally at our fingertips.  I googled “Vintage 1960s crayons,” and it appeared, as though I’d snapped my fingers and conjured it by magic, much like Samantha used to do in Bewitched:

Crayola Crayons Color Drawing Set 

72 Different colors including 8 fluorescent crayons.

There was the white box, bearing an image of two ideal early 60s-era children, happily creating Crayola masterpieces.  The girl wears a pink, full-skirted jumper and white blouse, a pink bow in her neatly ponytailed hair.  She sits with her feet tucked up under her in a ladylike position.  The boy wears a striped blue and green shirt and belted khakis.  His bright red hair has a rakish flip, and he lies stretched out on the floor.  One odd detail I certainly didn’t remember:  next to the boy’s elbow is a toy dagger.  Why in the world is that there?  Perhaps to show that wholesome, red-blooded American boys willingly lay down their weapons for a chance to enjoy Crayola crayons?  Tough guys color?  No need to worry, macho Dads:  these crayons won’t turn your son into a sissy? 

Inside the box lies the real treasure (and not a single knife): the crayons themselves, arrayed in two long, beautiful parallel rows.  My mother has remarked that she was rarely happier as a child than she was upon opening a brand-new box of crayons.  For her, growing up during the Great Depression, that was a rare pleasure.  I  was lucky to open many new boxes of crayons, but I know what she means.  And never was the elation more pronounced than when I  first peered at all those perfect crayons inside that new white box.  


My daughter understands, as well.  She returned home from fourth grade one day talking excitedly about her friend’s wonderful new crayons.  That the girl was a talented and imaginative artist gave the crayons all the more appeal.  They were in a circular, clear plastic box, so all the colors, arranged by shade, were visible.  They were so cool!  Could she get some?  Please?  By the end of the week, she, too, was a proud owner. 

Along with two classic boxes of 64 crayons, they still remain on the shelves of our former playroom.  Barbies and stuffed animals were boxed up (and some even given away) during this summer’s room redo, but the crayons survive.  They’re still used, still fun, still relevant.  They abide.  And now, with the prevalence of coloring books geared toward grown-ups, more likely to be used by all generations. 


Even now I love the idea of opening a new box of crayons for the first time.  There’s something close to magical in the sight of those flawless little cylinders of color, each paper cover intact, each point sharp and unused.  Such potential.  The chance for multiple new beginnings.  Much like the promise of spring on an April day like today, when the sun is bright and the breeze is fresh. 

Spring’s New Box of Crayons

The onset of spring reminds me of one of childhood’s most satisfying pleasures:  a brand new box of crayons.  I picture a child, bored and frustrated because for months now only the most subdued colors remain usable: a few browns, some tans, a black, a white.  As for the happy, festive shades–they’re all broken, misplaced or eaten by the dog.  At last, a fresh new box of crayons arrives.  Time again to celebrate with color. 



The greens are picked first.  Used with abandon, to color in a luxuriant foundation.  For lawns that will soon need cutting, for the first shoots of lemon balm that will grow to dominate the herb garden in a month or so.

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Even cracked gray pavement receives its ribbons of green.


Next, pastels in Easter-egg shades.  For a redbud tree, delicate splotches of lavender-pink.  Palest yellow for the first dogwood blossoms. 


Yellow-green for feathery sassafras blossoms.



Bolder choices follow.  Unexpected tones of coral and red for new leaves on rose bushes and Japanese maples. Who said foliage has to be green? 


Intense golden-yellow for forsythia. 


For the Appalachian Red redbud at the corner of our house, how about a near-electric magenta?  040


In the sudden sunshine following an afternoon thunderstorm, redbud blossoms take on an even greater depth and energy. 


In that same light, the pines and maples framing our garage seem to glow from within. 


And visible from our front lawn, that perfect gift of color and light:  a rainbow.  Isn’t it wonderful to have a new box of crayons? 

Spring Greening, Spring Nesting


Despite fierce winds that brought wintry temperatures back to Northern Virginia over the weekend, the greening of spring continues unabated.  


The vines of our climbing roses are lacy with delicate green-gold leaves sprouting from new shoots, reddish in color. 



The bare winter vines atop the trellis, until recently a study in austere grays and browns, have become a mass of verdant green. 


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A determined pair of mourning doves has staked out a sheltered nesting spot under the eaves atop the trellis.  We watched, concerned, as they began to carry twigs and pine straw regularly through the treacherous vines.  My husband considered doing some strategic pruning to provide a more accessible entry point.  He decided against it, fearing that the doves might be alarmed and abandon the nest.  They seem to have an uncanny way of avoiding the thorns.  Or a strong drive to ignore pain in their instinct to further the species.  We’re pulling for them, hoping their valiant efforts will be rewarded.  As spring proves every year,  life goes on.   

Thoughts on Good Friday



Our pale pink trellis roses will be flowering in gorgeous abundance in about six weeks.  They grow up from massive vines.  In stark contrast to the delicate, graceful flowers, the vines are rough-skinned, tough, craggy, crude, and studded all over with the sharpest of thorns.  Barbaric, like an implement of torture.  Barbaric, like the crown of thorns.  Barbaric, like the cross. 

The cross casts its long shadow on Good Friday, this darkest day of the Christian year.   Worshippers the world over pause on this day to mourn the death of a loving and sinless brother, the one who took our ugliness upon himself and carried it with him to the cross. 

Good Friday ends with the death of the Son of God.  But as this church sign in Providence, Rhode Island proclaims, death isn’t the end of the story. 

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No.  Not by far.  Easter’s coming. 


For previous Good Friday posts, see Our Good Friday God, and Good Friday: It is Finished. Let Life Begin

Palm Sunday 2016



It’s a gray, chilly first day of spring here in northern Virginia. 

It’s also Palm Sunday, which marks the beginning of the holiest week of the year for Christians.  On this day we look back to Jesus’s triumphal entrance into Jerusalem, when he was hailed as a hero.  The enthusiastic adoration of the crowd was with him, for the moment. 

Less than a week later, he would be dead. 

Next Sunday marks Jesus’s true triumph, of course, on Easter Sunday.  But before that, he faced betrayal, the cross, agony, and death.  It’s tempting for us today to skip from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday, from joy to joy.  But Christians are called to spend some time this week contemplating those exceedingly dark days between.  Not to do so lessens the power of the risen Christ.   


For additional thoughts on Palm Sunday and Holy Week, see this post from 2012:  Palm Sunday: Everyone Loves a Winner. 

A blog about motherhood, marriage and life: the joys and frustrations, beauty and absurdity, blessings and pain. It's about looking back, looking ahead, and walking the dog.