Category Archives: Parenthood

Assessing the Storm

An unaccustomed sight appeared throughout Northern Virginia today:  school buses.   Due to the blizzard and what should have been an inconsequential “dusting” that preceded it, schools were closed for seven days.  During the final two weeks of January, with the snow, the MLK holiday and a teacher workday, school was in session for one day only.  During times such as this, I’m especially thankful that I like my daughter.  And while it makes me sound cold and unloving, I’m glad she’s not younger.  How pleasant it is that my constant accompaniment for her every snow venture is no longer required.   

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Our family’s winter storm experience was, all in all, quite enjoyable.  As blizzards go, it was a good one, at least for us.  I know there were others who weren’t nearly so lucky.  It was forecasted accurately and well in advance, allowing plenty of prep time.  The snow began right on schedule, at 1 PM on a Friday.  I was back home after a second shopping trip for those “just in case” provisions.  School had been canceled, allowing my daughter plenty of time to meet friends for an early lunch.  She was anticipating not seeing non-neighborhood buddies for a while.  Even my husband arrived home from the office well before the snow started to accumulate. 

The snow fell according to plan, persistently and without a break, until the following evening.  This wasn’t a showy storm.  The flakes were small but steady.  Saturday brought some wind, but no howling gales.  And most important:  our area never lost power.  We had heat, light, hot water and all those interior comforts that are especially cherished when the weather outside is icy. 

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My husband was ready with the snow blower he’d bought just after the Blizzard of 2010.  He was told he’d probably never need something that big down here in Virginia.  He wanted it anyway.  Growing up in Rochester, he dreamed of owning a powerful, sleek snow blower the way some kids dream of owning a Maserati. 

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In this case, it was a dream worth realizing.  The big blower came in very handy.

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H cleared our long driveway.  He opened up walkable paths between our house and those of our neighbors on each side.  (If you’ve ever tried body-plowing through twenty-eight inches of snow, you know it’s not easy.)   He then cleared our neighbors’ long driveways. 

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He opened up a path on a side street that was untouched by plows for several days.  He continued up and down that street until he’d cleared a lane wide enough for a car to pass through. This photo, taken by my daughter, shows how the sharply cut snow sections resemble two huge layers of angel food cake. 

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Here he is, returning from a full day of snow blowing, the afternoon sun’s rays falling on him like a benediction.  You could say that all this work could have been accomplished by shoveling.  That might be theoretically true, but it would have required far more helping hands and strong backs than were available.  Plus many, many additional hours.  His work was all the more valuable because it would be several more days before the streets into our neighborhood would be approached by snow plows. 

With every gathering storm, I’ve always been grateful that I can ride it out with a snow management and removal expert by my side.  This was certainly true during the Blizzard of 2016.  A good boy from Rochester is indeed a good thing. 

Once Again, Truly Big Snow



The last snowflakes of the Blizzard of 2016 (aka Winter Storm Jonas) fell five days ago, on Saturday evening.  According to careful measurements by my husband and daughter, we got about twenty-eight inches.  Most of the snow remains very much with us, in far less attractive configurations than the graceful, pristine drifts in which it fell. 


Last winter brought frequent snows to Northern Virginia, as my ten snow day posts of 2015 attest.  (See here and here.)  But we haven’t had a truly stupendous snow event  in five years.  In December 2009 and February 2010 we were treated to nearly back-to-back blizzards.   My daughter has been wishing for a similarly substantial storm ever since.  She likes her snow measured in feet.  She delights in tossing out the expected routines of daily life for all-consuming, all-day snow play and management.  To her credit, she pitches in with the digging out.  And the inconveniences that massive snows may bring: they’re simply part of the adventure.  What she recalls most distinctly about our loss of electricity during the 2010 storm was using the grill to melt butter for birthday cake icing. 


Here she is, barely visible atop a snow mountain at the Reston Town Center after the February 2010 storm. 


And, after the more recent storm, atop a snow pile in the parking lot of a local shopping center.  I guess she’ll always love to climb snow piles.   


On a snow mound at our house during the Blizzard of 2010.

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And two days ago, with Kiko on a similar mound in the same place, after the latest storm.  Big Snow, happy kid. 

Extreme Gift Wrapping, Christmas 2015

It’s well past Christmas, I realize, but I’m running behind in this new year, just as I was in the old year.  It’s consistent, then, that my last Christmas post, an annual update on extreme gift wrapping, appears two weeks into January. 

Thanks to my husband and daughter, it’s hard to predict what might appear around the tree in the days leading up to Christmas:  a family of enormous cylinders, a tall skinny pyramid, a child-sized obelisk, a gift tower ten feet high.  Not all packages appear under the tree; some have been suspended from the ceiling.  Certainly one of the most original and unexpected presentations was the pentagon and five pyramids that came together to form a star on Christmas morning.  My husband, searching for ideas for this year’s wrapping scheme, found that when he Googled “Extreme Gift Wrapping,” the first image that popped up was that very star he’d made in 2012.  He and my daughter have set the bar high. We’re prepared to be wowed.  (For previous years, see  here, here, and here.)


Getting to “wow” becomes all the more unlikely when one expects it.  Subtler strategies must evolve.  When the first gift from my husband to my daughter appeared a few days before Christmas, it was an ordinary square box, wrapped in plaid paper.  On one side there was a wedge-shaped section of silver paper.  Simple.  Not showy.  If you didn’t know better you might think he’d run out of paper. 

My daughter countered with a more emphatic gesture:  she transformed a gift to her father into a gold and white-patterned Droid.  Her Star Wars tribute, she called it. 



My husband was impressed and intrigued.  (Kiko, not so much.  He showed mild interest when H made it move.) 


Eight more gifts for our daughter appeared during the next several days.  Each one was wrapped in the same size square box.  Most, but not all, had an apparently random section of shiny silver paper on one side.  On Christmas Eve, the gifts were piled seemingly haphazardly around the tree. 

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On Christmas morning, the square packages for our daughter were stacked, as if by Santa, so that the silver paper formed the letter J, her first initial.  (When I refer to her as “D,” it stands for “daughter.”)

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The “J Wall” as I think of it, lacks the visual impact of the star.  Indeed, that star is hard to surpass.  But it’s clever.  If you think about it philosophically, you could say it reshuffles chaos into order, into meaning.  Sort of the way the divine magic of Christmas can inject order and meaning into our lives, if we let it. 

And  if you simply consider how the J Wall looks, you’d probably say it serves as a very pleasing complement to the Droid, a charming creation on its own. 

Hats off, again, to H & D for keeping the ball in play during their ongoing volley of extreme gift wrapping!  What, I wonder, will they do next year?  (Glad I’m only a spectator in the game.)

Our Fall Festival Tradition


Today, we’re back to sunshine.  Yesterday’s continuous rain failed to wash away fall’s colors; it simply spread them around with an artistic flair.  The weather is mild.  It’s a perfect day to be outside, enjoying October.

It’s a day that makes me a bit nostalgic for my daughter’s younger years.  If she were seven or eight, we might be heading to Cox Farms after school. This family-owned farm puts on a fall festival that really is fun for most ages.  It’s one of our favorite local traditions.  We discovered it with a group of friends we met through D’s preschool.   


If you live in a suburban or semi-rural area, you probably have a place like this nearby.  In Princeton, there was Terhune Orchards, which my husband and I enjoyed.  If something similar existed in Atlanta when I was growing up in the 70s, we didn’t know about it.  Lucky for me, I didn’t know what I was missing.  Lucky for my daughter, she didn’t have to miss it.   


Cox Farms is a low-tech, homespun, rough-around-the-edges place, just as a farm should be.  As a preschooler, one of my daughter’s favorite “rides” involved rolling down a hill inside a big pipe.  There are mischievous goats to feed, various baby farm animals to admire, a cow to milk, and lots of hand-painted folk-artsy plywood signs.  Naturally, there are pumpkins, apples, cider and kettle corn.  On weekends there might be a bluegrass band.   


There’s lots of hay: hay mountains to climb, hay bale forts to explore and tunnel through.  Of course there’s a hayride, during which aliens and assorted odd but non-threatening creatures appear.  There are many slides, some of which are quite steep.  When we first started going to Cox Farms, D was afraid to attempt any of the slides on her own, so we went down them together.  That’s when I found out how much fun a fun slide can be.  Apparently, I was slide-deprived (as well as fall-festival deprived) as a child. 


Our daughter’s first-choice activity was the rope swing with a drop into a foam pit.  One doesn’t often get a chance to brag on a child’s rope swing skills, but I must say she had excellent form and always managed to sail to a far corner of the pit.  The two photos above are from consecutive years, the first in 2006, the second in 2007.  Evidently D’s fall festival uniform consisted of a pink shirt and blue jeans. 

In 2007, D added her Brownie vest to the uniform. She enjoys recalling those fashion-forward days.




For several years when our daughter was in elementary school, we had an annual fall festival meet-up with former preschool friends, a brother and sister, and their dad.  It was one of the highlights of the season. 

IMG_2973Our every visit to Cox Farms ended with the careful picking of a “free” patch pumpkin.  D has always delighted in the perfect pumpkin. 

It’s been several years since we’ve done the fall festival.  But our daughter is now a regular attendee at “Fields of Fear,” held at Cox Farms on weekend nights for older kids and adults.  It includes the Cornightmare, the Dark Side Hayride and the Forest: Back 40.  As of this year, she and her friends can even drive themselves. 

But at the end of the night, D still picks out a little patch pumpkin.   


Where Did the Summer Go?

It’s happened again: another summer has vanished in a blur.  It doesn’t seem possible that nearly twelve weeks have elapsed since the school year ended on June 18.  My daughter’s homemade chalkboard hasn’t been updated since then.  It still looks like this:


But it’s September 7.  While the weather remains hot and humid, it’s beginning to look like fall.  Yellow-gold leaves are fluttering down from our neighbors’ cherry trees.


Here in Northern Virginia, it’s the first day of school.  My daughter begins her junior year.  Junior year!  Really? She, my husband and I all feel unprepared.    

If I were a kid, faced with writing one of those dreaded first-day What I Did Last Summer essays, I would sit, staring blankly for a while, wondering, What did we do? Seems like I wasn’t paying attention.   

I remember the last half of May, however, with a sort of surreal clarity.  My father had emergency arterial bypass surgery, and I flew to Atlanta.  One minute I was dawdling contentedly over a late breakfast and talking easy nonsense to the dog.  The next I was amidst a teeming crowd at Dulles Airport waiting to board a plane.  Waiting.  Anxiously waiting.  Still waiting.  If you’re in a real hurry to reach a sick loved one, you can count on extra-long airport delays.  I arrived at Piedmont Hospital late that night, just after Daddy was wheeled to his room after several hours of complicated surgery.  He had a nubby cotton blanket loosely draped around his head and shoulders, giving him the appearance of an old shepherd from a live nativity scene.  His face was frighteningly pale and drawn, but already he was talking, joking.  He was lucid, he was funny.  He was my sweet Daddy, upbeat and happy.  What a relief. 

Mama wouldn’t leave Daddy’s side, except very briefly, to get a bite to eat or take a quick shower.  She slept on a narrow pull-out chair beside his hospital bed.  Evidence of the truest of true love, after nearly sixty years of marriage, doesn’t get any clearer than this.  I spent days with my parents in the hospital, and nights alone in the house I grew up in.  What an odd feeling.  I can’t remember spending a night totally on my own there before.  During those rare times in my teens and twenties when my parents left town without me, it was a good excuse to have friends over.  There may have been one night when it was just me and my childhood dog, Popi.  He’s been dead far longer than he was alive, but I still hear his soft footsteps, or his nose pushing open a partially closed door.   I heard him last May.  As the old, familiar house creaked and groaned around me, I wished he were there with me again.   

It was slow, slow going, and very scary at times, but Daddy got better.  For a couple of weeks before the surgery, he’d complained of leg pains.  Turns out he’d had almost no blood flow in his lower legs; he was lucky he didn’t lose one foot, or both.  He left the hospital after nine arduous days, still quite weak.  Being home was a great relief to my parents, but it meant Mama would be mostly on her own to care for Daddy.  There would be visiting nurses and physical therapists, but her duty would be full time, non-stop.  A daunting prospect.  Fortunately, kind and loving neighbors made it possible for me to return to my Virginia family, who were missing me by that point. 

Maybe because Daddy’s surgery and ongoing recovery has loomed so large in recent months, other events have seemed less substantial, less deserving of my complete attention.  When I look back over my calendar, I see proof that we were busy:  there were neighborhood parties, doctor appointments, church meetings, Friday night dinners out, a first-time ever solo trip to Florida for my daughter to visit a friend, our annual Cape Cod vacation, a busy week of Vacation Bible School, and the transformation of our little-girl playroom into a more grown-up TV/entertainment room.  In late August, my daughter had all four wisdom teeth extracted, much against her will.  Given her choice, she would have preferred to postpone indefinitely and take her chances with future pain and inconvenience.  She felt far more miserable than I had expected.  I went through the same thing at fourteen, but have forgotten my level of discomfort.  It couldn’t have been too extreme, because I recall being out with a friend’s family and attempting to eat a Varsity hotdog only a couple of days later.  Once my daughter was feeling good again, summer was over. 

And now, the last minutes of this first day of the new school year are ticking down.  My eleventh grader will be home before long.  I know better than to ask about her day in a cheerful tone.  I’m bracing for a litany of hardships and grievances.  Maybe I’ll be pleasantly surprised.      


This is the Way the Roses Grew, (And a Daughter, Too), Part III

By the spring of 2013, four years after planting, the red double-knockout roses along the fence had grown quite dense and bushy.   In early May, they were bursting into explosive bloom. 

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 By late May, the same was true for the pink trellis roses.


The trellis roses had become our favorite photo backdrop.  Above, our daughter poses in a high-low dress, a style that enjoyed a longer period of popularity than it merited.  At this point, D’s blink-and-you’ll miss it middle school career was nearing an end.  It had been an enjoyable and satisfying two years.  With her involvement in drama, she’d found her niche.  She loved performing in two musicals, both pretty good for middle school fare: Thoroughly Modern Millie (ensemble) and Guys and Dolls (at last, a small named role as Agatha the Mission Girl).  While she’d never been exactly shy, with all but her closest friends, she’d been more reserved than outgoing, a characterization that was no longer consistently accurate.  As for her core group of elementary school buddies, she’d drifted apart from some and strengthened ties to others.  Despite her ongoing tendency toward extreme procrastination, she managed her coursework.  She was on the cusp of high school.  At thoughts of the new school year, she was understandably a little anxious.  But she was ready to leave middle school behind. 

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Before the eighth grade dance (an event of far lesser significance than the sixth grade dance), our daughter sits with Kiko, who exhibits his typical nonchalance.

Rochester 113 

In 2014, the roses were still denser and more luxuriant.  This is despite the aggressive pruning my husband gives them every year in late summer.  If he didn’t do so, the fence and garage might well be invisible by now.  They could, conceivably, pull a Sleeping Beauty’s castle number on us if we got very lazy.  Otherwise, these hearty, disease-resistant roses need little care.  From now on, the challenge will be reining them in.       

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Rochester 134


As for our daughter, as with any teenager, we face a constant choice:  when to pull the reins, when to let her run free.  Like our roses, she’s easing quietly but speedily toward maturity. Once she began high school, it’s been one milestone after another, toppling like dominoes in quick succession.  I remember very vividly her concerns as the first day of high school approached.  Could she learn to navigate the confusing corridors of a much bigger school?  Would the coursework and homework be overwhelming?  She second- and third-guessed her decision not to go out for field hockey, as so many of her friends did.  Try-outs would have interfered with our sacrosanct vacation time in Cape Cod.  Would her participation in drama be enough to give her a sense of belonging?  All those worries proved unfounded.  Her freshman year brought  many firsts.  She took them in stride. 

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The summer after freshman year, right on schedule as she had hoped, she got her driver’s permit.  On Day 1 as a new driver, she attempted the most notoriously narrow, winding road in our neighborhood.  (I was cringing.)  She was determined to drive as often as possible so she could get her license on the very day she became eligible.  

Soon she was a sophomore.  There were more firsts.   

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On April 1, right on time, she became a licensed driver.  The day fell during our spring break visit to Atlanta.  D was able, at last, to take my parents’ iridescent gold PT Cruiser out on the streets legally; she’d been circling the church parking lot in it since she was eleven. 

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That day she drove us to Callanwolde, an arts center housed in one of Atlanta’s several historic mansions associated with the Candler family. 

Now sophomore year is over, too.  Our daughter is halfway through high school. 


This summer, more often than not, she’s out with the car, among friends.  It’s just me and Kiko at home.  His day is as full as he wants it:  a morning walk, followed by sleeping in the sun, moving to the shade, then back to the sun.  

And while our dog loves a ride in the car, he’ll never require his own vehicle.   

This is the Way the Roses Grew (And a Daughter, Too), Part II

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Spring 2011 083

By early May of 2011, two years after planting, two of the three climbing roses had reached the trellis.  The shrub on the left lagged a bit behind.  Narrow vines were bursting forth with bright green leaves, and buds had formed. 

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The red double knock-outs by the fence and the porch were nearing peak bloom in the photos above.  They had filled in considerably and surpassed the nandina in height.      

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This view from our neighbors’ yard shows the dense barrier formed by the red roses along the iron fence. 

Spring 2011 092At this point our daughter was twelve and nearing the end of sixth grade.  She was more than ready to be free from the annoying constraints of elementary school, with its hallway stop signs and arbitrarily awarded stickers for standing quietly in line and not acting the fool.  That April, she and I had accompanied my parents on a Danube River cruise.  She’d been more like a sister or friend than a daughter on that trip, a capable, fun companion with whom to explore Budapest and Passau while my parents remained aboard the ship.  She’d certainly seemed older than twelve.  Somehow it’s comforting that, at least in the photo above, she looks much as I think of her today. 

Kiko was five then.  His appearance remains unchanged.  late May 2011 012By mid-May of that year, the pale pink roses were in full bloom. 

As for our daughter, she’d decided to cut her hair, which had grown longer than ever before.  (I hadn’t been in charge of her hair for several years.)  After great deliberation, she’d made the change, just in time for the sixth-grade dinner dance.  In our area, this is a pivotal event that heralds the end of elementary school.  It’s orchestrated in minute detail by tireless PTA committees, highly anticipated by parents and sometimes even enjoyed by students.  The theme that year was “A Night in the Tropics.”  For the girls, the dance meant the need for a new dress, one closer to semi-formal than Sunday School, despite the school’s insistence that it adhere to strict school-day dress code regulations.  Many girls, like my daughter, appealed to parents to let them try out higher heels than those to which they’d been accustomed.  Photos from that night show her and her friends in that slightly uncomfortable coltish stage:  all bony shoulders and long legs, little girls teetering in big shoes on the verge of growing up. 

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By 2012, the following year, three years after planting, even the climbing rose at left had attained trellis height and begun to wind its way across.  In late May, all the roses, red and pink, were in lush, abundant bloom, turning our courtyard into a cozy outdoor room. 

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Our daughter had made the jump from tween to teen, from elementary to middle school, and we could all breathe a big sigh of relief.  Just as she’d expected, she reveled in the greater freedom:  changing classes, her own locker, electives like shop, news team and drama.  And once in a while, the opportunity to walk into town after school with friends.  We’d read and heard much about the minefield of the middle school years, a life stage fraught with angst and peril.  While I understand that not all kids are so fortunate, for D those worries were overblown.  No doubt it helped that she entered seventh grade with a solid group of long-term, likeminded friends and an attitude that helped her forge new friendships. 

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And then there’s Kiko.  Lying in the cool grass of three summers ago, he looks exactly the same today.  A dog can be a big help toward denying the passage of time. 

This is the Way the Roses Grew (and a Daughter, too)


DC Prom 009

During the month of May, our back courtyard is the site of a rose explosion.  First the red roses along the fence pop.  Then the pale pink climbers on the garage trellis follow suit.  Each year our family marvels.  We can’t believe these roses.  I’ve written about the evolution of the space behind our house from cement wasteland to cozy enclosed garden.  See Up From the Concrete, Roses.  When I looked back at the photos from that 2012 post, I was surprised to see just how much the roses have multiplied in three years. 

On the last Saturday in May we hosted a gathering and hit the weather just right.  The evening was pleasantly warm.  We were on the porch or in the courtyard from beginning to end, surrounded by roses.  Several friends asked how quickly they grew.  How long did it take the pink roses to reach the top of the trellis?  Seemed like two years, but I wasn’t sure.  So I looked back.  The changes were dramatic. 

This is the way the roses grew. 


The porch addition, the courtyard and lawn panel, and the changes to the garage were completed in May 2009.  Most of the plantings were in just before Memorial Day.  The climbing roses, each shrub almost two feet in height, were planted at the sides of the garage and between the doors.  The above photo shows the porch without screens and the yard as yet unfenced. 


Along the fence line, we alternated red rose bushes with taller nandina.  We didn’t realize then how quickly the roses would overtake the nandina. When the plants were first in, the transformation struck us as spectacular, a vision of instant lushness.  Six years later, we’ve grown more accustomed to our leafy flower-filled courtyard, and I’m amazed at how relatively bare it all was back then.  Hardly spectacular.  So much of the iron fence plainly visible, the unadorned white glare of the garage and the stark, naked trellis. 


I also forgot how young our daughter was when we began the project.  In this picture, from July 2009, she was ten and just out of fourth grade.  Goodness, she looked like a little kid.  Maybe because she’s our only child, and we tend to talk to her more or less as we would an adult, she’s always seemed relatively mature. I’ve never wanted to rush her growing up, but I generally think of her as older than she is.  Yet on that summer morning in her PJs  six years ago, she sure looked like a ten year old, with little-girl bangs and short hair.  That was back when I still laid out her clothes every morning, when I could shop for her easily, when my mother would sew full-skirted Sunday dresses for her.  Back before pierced ears, make-up and high heels, before she developed her own unique sense of style, very different from mine.  Way before she needed a steady supply of long gowns for drama events and prom.  That was my little girl.  Wow. 

Kiko was nearly two.  With relief I note that he looks exactly the same now as he did then.  


A year after planting, the climbing roses had nearly doubled in height, but were still a long way from reaching the trellis.  The vines were spindly and thin.  In this photo, taken in April 2010, our eleven-year old daughter models her classic (she would now call it old-fashioned and babyish) Easter dress. 

026By July of that year, the red rose bushes were considerably denser and as tall or taller than their neighboring nandina.  Our daughter, eating a homemade popsicle, wears the tie-dyed shirt she made for her fifth-grade production of Alice-in-Wonderland.  Her hair still slightly wet from the pool, she was a typical, somewhat scruffy rising sixth-grader.  I don’t remember it ever entering my mind that she was in an awkward stage.  Hindsight is bracingly clear-eyed.  Still, compared to the less than stellar preteen me  (with glasses that evoked the cartoon character Morocco Mole, braces and an unflattering short hair cut), my daughter at eleven was a personification of tween elegance and beauty.  Much like our roses during their pre-adolescence.

To be continued.  Next up:  Flowers and girl continue the climb. 

The Dog Loves His Girl . . . The Dog Loves Her Not . . .

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As I’ve said before, our dog Kiko doesn’t go in for expected over-the-top displays of doggy devotion.  This may be because, as a Shiba Inu, he believes he’s a cat.  The breed is known for its independence and regal aloofness.  Kiko likes his own space.  Once his needs are meet, he prefers undisturbed solitude.  When he decides it’s time for a walk or treats, he beams a persistent, focused stare in my direction.  This is a far cry from the loving, entreating gaze of a Golden Retriever.  It’s a willful obey-me-or-else eye lock.  And it works.   I toe the line, because the Shiba stubbornness is a force of nature. 

If he’s been left alone for a while, Kiko usually ambles into the kitchen unhurriedly upon my return.  Exultant jumping and frenzied face licking are beneath his dignity.  After a sniff to determine where I’ve been, he sidesteps me to paw at the door so he can check out squirrel activity in the back yard.  As for close human contact, he’s warming up to it somewhat as he ages.  (He turns eight this August.)  Occasionally I can put him on the sofa with me and he’ll rest his head on my knee.  But it’s still generally true that he consents to cuddle only if he’s asleep or frightened.  He fears nothing but thunder and fireworks.  (See here and here).  We knew to expect this sort of temperament before Kiko joined our household.  Because simply looking at my little dog makes me smile, I’m content to take him on his own terms.  If I need to be gazed at devotedly, I can visit a neighbor’s Lab or Golden Retriever.  Or I can get that sweet look from Ziggy the Rhodesian Ridgeback, Kiko’s walking pal. 

My daughter has learned to be less offended by the depths of Kiko’s reserve.  She still finds it annoying when she lies down beside him on the floor and he gets up and re-settles a couple of feet away.  But what may ignite her fiercest ire is his tendency to ignore her when she calls him for a walk.  Of course I’m the one who walks the dog most frequently.  He’s not sure D means business.  Sometimes, hearing her calling, he bypasses her to seek me out expectantly.  Typically, by the time she’s out of the house with Kiko on the leash, my daughter is furious and the dog is confused.  I’m not very happy, either, although I’m relieved to see them leave. 

During the recent snow days she took him into the woods several times.  A meandering, exploratory woods walk, whatever the weather, is one of Kiko’s favorite activities.  He was starting to hop up quickly at the first sound of her invitation.  One afternoon when D got a chance to meet friends for sledding, she realized there wouldn’t be time for a woods walk.  I wasn’t up for wading through the deep snow, so Kiko and I would start off with D and then continue on our regular neighborhood walk. 

Snow days still find D sledding with the same neighborhood friends today as in years past. Here she is with a buddy in February 2007.

The three of us set off together.  All was fine until the point at which D veered off course toward her friend’s house.  Kiko couldn’t believe we weren’t joining her.  He tugged hard at the leash.  He stared at me.  Come ON! Why are we NOT GOING?   Where is SHE going?  I tried to persuade him to carry on with our walk.  He splayed his legs and ducked his head.  He wouldn’t budge.  He sat down. 

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Surely she’ll come back.  I’ll wait right here in the middle of the frozen street. 

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I don’t see her.  But I’ll keep waiting.  She’ll come back. 

But she didn’t. 

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If I can’t go with her, we might as well head towards home.  But slowly. 

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If I sleep in the road for a bit, maybe she’ll be here when I wake up. 

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All the way back home, and still no sign of the girl.  So sad. 

When my daughter returned that evening, I told her how her dog had so wanted to accompany her.  How he had waited, and wanted to keep waiting, there in the snow.  How that maybe, in his own narcissistic, catlike Shiba way, he does really love her. 


Further proof of Kiko’s devotion to D may be his willingness to remain placidly in the strange places she puts him, as in the knothole of this maple in our yard.